Alone in the city

Well I went to the city by my self as well as met up with people from Clubhouse. People who I been talking with and following for 2+ years.

Vero - (artist, documentarian, creative director, film camera) IG - SITE

Ru - (vocalist, DJ, producer, actress) IG

Andrew - (paper artist) IG - SITE

Anna (singer, songwriter, designer, digital art, landscape architect) IG

Salvador (photographer) IG

First time doing this kind of thing- broke a lot of comfortzones and a bit more confidence as well. I mostly walked around Chelsea, HighLine, Penn, The Met and a few other spots.

I knew that I was going to catch up with friends in the mid/late afternoon so I walked around and knew since I live in NY i can go to the MET for free. Hit a few of the galleries.

Spent more money then I maybe should have but learned from the “ experience”. Took Uber, Taxi, Subway.

Battery died so I found an AT&T store, which allowed me to charge my phone as I waited for my ride/friend to pick me up to meet with other friends. Hung out, went to a lounge, Peir, Restaurant, Speakeasy. I decided I was a bit to overwhelmed with being tired so I left and hugged and said bye to everyone. It was differently something I will remember.

First show of 2023

I had my first show of the year as well as the galleries first show of the year after they had some damage to the space. I have shown in her studio before and is one of my favorite galleries in the area. ( Darcy Simpson Artworks)

Ellen and I have a conversation about my growth as an painter and as a person in the last handful of years. The slashes to these landscapes and what the slashes were a symbol of and now these more “photographic like abstract landscapes.