Famous Photographer #11

Cindy Sherman 

Born in 1954 making her 64 today.

She is known for her self portraits by becoming diffrent characters. Her more know work is her film stills which are in BW. 

She went to school for visual arts and learned and played with diffrent mediums from painting to photography. One of her teachers told her about conceptual art and other contemporary forms which helped her out a lot. 

She is the model and the photographer which makes her very diffrent then most photographers I have learned about. The other photographers have taken photos of them selfs but more of a for fun thing then what she is doing with her portraits. Transforming her self into diffrent people.



Famous Photographer #10

Robert Frank

Born in 1924 making him 94 today.

His most famous series he did was called The Americans and thats what he is know for.  Which shows what America looked like in in the 50's+. 

His work is something that brought me into street photography and canid photography. 

As he was starting out he used photography as an escape and learned from other photographers as he was starting out.

Around the 40's is when he got a job as a fashion photographer and decided to become a photo journalist for big name brands and traveling the world. 
