Zach Neven | Photographer & Artist

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Hike #26

This is the Lewis A Swyer Preserve a few miles from Hike 25 in Styvasent. This one is a bit tricky to park since the parking lot is a strip next to the side of the road and there are no parking signs with arrows which was a bit confusing. There is also a small little trail but thats not the main trail. keep walking along side the road where you will a board walk with the info stand.

The whole trail is a board walk so you dont have to worry about walking in mud. There was a fallen down tree but it was easy to walk over when I went. There are a lot of flowers and plants on both sides and a lot of trees. The park is built around swamp land. There are a few bridges on the trail. Its a very nice spot if you want to walk and not have to worry about getting stuck or lost since the trail is a board walk. At the end of the trail there is a look out area that looks out at the river and the train tracks.