Zach Neven | Photographer & Artist

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Rock Stills

Ever since I was young I liked rocks especially fossil rocks which I would find a lot and had a big collection of small fossil rocks. The kind of rocks you would find in a gravel pit nothing big like museums just the penny and quarter sizes. Or when I found a cool rock because of the color, texture, shape it was always fun to collect. Also when I was younger like many young boys we like destroying things, so I would find a big rock in my yard and find small rocks and throw the small ones at the big one. Hoping that the smaller rock would break open and something cool would be inside. Also when I was younger those rocks you break open and theres crystals inside or the mini rock collection sets. So with my still life series expanding I thought shooting my collection of cool and intresting rocks may be fun to add and the still life series will always be growing with new things added. 

I am still playing with these photographs