Zach Neven | Photographer & Artist

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I have recently been hiking as you can tell. Here is some back story on why. So we used to live in town where it was flat, easy to bike around and hang with friends, then we moved to a hill in the country so biking went away. Also after High school I slowed down physical actives ( gym class hero) I never did any school sports, only baseball little league for a year in 5th grade and when I was younger soccer, I did baseball camp for a few years. I was also the frisbee kid from playing catch to disc golf. I still play disc golf sometimes. I had this book of parks in Columbia county that my dad got me and started using it for my hikes, all these places I never knew about. Hiking has also thought me things such has be prepared before you leave, water, hiking stick, phone, charger and tell people where your going. If you are lost keep going because a road/trail will end up some where, Or go in the direction of where you came from. Having someone to go with you is a good thing because you will not be alone if you are lost or if some thing happens. Luckily I have not seen any bears yet " knock on wood". 

I was just thinking another good thing about going hiking or exploring a new environment is that it makes you feel good and can help get your mind off things and see things you would not expect. 

These are the Hikes I have done to this point

Hike 1  Hike2  Hike 3  Hike4  Hike5  Hike6  Hike7  Hike8  Hike9  Hike10  Hike11  Hike12